Export Initiative for Environmental Protection

Welcome to S-IRCLE project

S-IRCLE project focuses on addressing key challenges in small-scale biogas plants. The primary objective is to develop an innovative, automatic, regenerable external filter system capable of effectively removing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) from biogas. This is crucial as H2S poses health risks and can lead to corrosion, reducing the lifespan of biogas appliances. Furthermore, the project aims to recycle sulfur present in the loaded filter material as an alternative sulfur fertilizer, promoting sustainable resource utilization.

Overall, S-IRCLE project encompasses both technical development and environmental evaluation, aiming to contribute to the advancement of biogas technology in Vietnam and pave the way for a more sustainable and efficient biogas utilization.


Survey on plastic recycling completed


The survey on plastic recycling in Vietnam, conducted by the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, has been completed. The goal of this survey is to provide an overview of the current plastic recycling situation in Vietnam. More than 10 environmental companies of various sizes across Vietnam participated, providing information on plastic waste collection—regarding quantity, classification, and methods, as well as recycling—regarding origin, classification and methods. From the results of the survey, a material flow analysis will be performed to map out and quantify the flow of different types of plastic waste across various stakeholders involved in the process, with a view to assessing environmental impacts such as resource efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, and human health.

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION - The 4th International Conference


The 4th International Conference “Valorization of Agricultural Residues Towards Climate-Smart Agriculture in South-East Asia” will take place on the 19th of September, 2024 in Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. For more information, please visit CONFERENCE VAR4. We would like to invite scientists and practitioners to come together and share their knowledge and research, contributing to the following topics* by a presentation or a poster:
Topic 1: Biomass resources and bioenergy

  • Mass flows of agricultural residues (sources, characterization, quantification, inventories)
  • Biomass mobilization and logistic
  • Use of organic residues for bioenergy such as biogas, RDF,…

Topic 2: Sustainable technologies

  • Innovative technologies for residue valorization and treatment
  • Inovative Technologies for air, water and soil treatment in agriculture
  • Residue utilization in industrial biotechnology
  • Inovatives technologies for plastic recycling
  • Plastic circular ecomnomy
  • Fertilizer production technology from agricultural residues

Topic 3: Environmental Impacts and Management

  • Monitoring of environmental impacts including GHG emssions, polution and mitigation in agriculture
  • Biomass management, circular economy strategies and policies
  • Challenges and opportunities for the sustainable technologies
  • Sustainable soil and water management in agriculture
  • Service and financing models for sustainable agriculture

S-IRCLE networking at SUA Symposium


On April 29th and 30th, Ms. Trang Hoang as a representative of S-IRCLE participated in the SUA (Smart Urban Areas) Symposium held at TU Dortmund University, themed “Grün, Blau, Grau - Symposium zu klimaangepassten Gebäudetechnologie” (Green, Blue, Grey - Symposium on Climate-Adaptive Building Technology). The symposium took place at the IBZ building on the TU Dortmund campus, focusing on sustainable and climate-adaptive building technologies.. attendees included Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Xuân Thịnh, the head of the SUA project, Vietnamese Ambassador in Berlin Mr. Vũ Quang Minh, and Mr. Daniel Roos from ZUG. During the event, representatives from SUA, CapaViet, InReUse, and S-IRCLE presented their ideas, progress, and project developments. In addition to the symposium, the delegation visited the WILO Factory 4.0, showcasing advanced digital integration in production and logistics.

Science seminar at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology


On March 22nd, a science seminar on Biogas Circulation Technology among S-IRCLE project partners was held at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Technical University of Berlin, Herbst Environmental Engineering Company, Egreen Technology Joint Stock, and notably the delegation group from ZUG gGmbH. After the mid-term results were presented, the project partners also discussed issues related to biogas treatment and environmental protection in Vietnam in general. After the meeting, the partner delegation also visited and took commemorative photos with the S-IRCLE project tree planted last August. The seminar was held successfully, marking the beginning of cooperation and development among Vietnamese and German partners in the field of Circulation Technology for the near future.

German partners visiting three biogas plants in Nam Dinh Province


On March 21st, researchers from the Technical University of Berlin and engineer Marcel Spahr from Herbst Umwelttechnik GmbH and the delegation group from ZUG gGmbH – a federal company and specialised project management guided by the German Federal Government visited Hai Hau commune, Nam Dinh province. With the assistance of Egreen Technology Joint Stock Company as well as Hanoi University of Science and Technology, the German partners completed the technical check-up of three small-scale biogas plants installed for H2S gas filtration testing. The test filter not only received positive feedback from the households using it but also impressed the delegation groups. After nearly a year of installation, despite the biogas usage for cooking reaching up to 200m3, the filter consistently ensures that the H2S gas level remains at 0. This visit marks the successful mid-term phase of the project and promises progress

Pakchoi of the second experiment harvested


On a cold winter day, the 19th of December, the Pakchoi plants have reached their maturity after 60 days and been ready for harvesting. The harvest day followed a similar procedure to that of the first experiment: after thorough preparation, sprout, root and soil samples were collected and dried. The analysis work only starts after the Christmas vacation, during which the samples are either ground to determine the elements presented using ICP method, or extracted for examining the concentration of the soluble elements.

Second plant experiment started


The Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ) once again serves as the facilitator for our second experiment, aimed at investigating how plant development is affected by different types of soil mixtures: ordinary earth with FerroSorp and mineral fertilizer, finished compost, or digestate. On October 20th, 25 Pakchoi plants were germinated and transferred to a greenhouse equipped with additional heating lights. They are appropriately watered twice a week, and their height, weight, and leaf count are recorded for further analysis.

First plant test finished


On the 22nd of August, 30 pots of Pakchoi and 10 pots of soybeans were successfully harvested at the Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (IGZ). The sprouts and roots of each plant were cut separately, carefully washed, and weighed; soil from each pot was also collected. All the samples were dried appropriately for further analysis. Following the harvest, the lab work phase commences, where various analysis methods and procedures are carried out to examine and draw a conclusion accordingly about different parameters and qualities of plant development using different FerroSorp grain sizes as fertilizers.

New biogas filters installed successfully


The engineers from HUT and EG successfully completed the installation of advanced biogas filters across three biogas plants in Nam Dinh province. These systems encompass a comprehensive suite of components, including a data logger, a compact air pump for ambient air infusion during biogas utilization, pressure and temperature sensors, and a gas meter to measure the biogas flow into the filter. The filters are scheduled for a year-long testing phase, overseen by EG's local engineer.

S-IRCLE workshop in Hanoi


"Circular Biogas Technology - Smart Filter Systems for H2S-Removal and S-Recovery" workshop was successfully conducted. During the workshop, Trang Hoang presented the S-IRCLE project, while Marcel Spahr introduced a novel biogas filter featuring continuous regeneration functionality. The S-IRCLE team garnered substantial interest, with numerous inquiries and suggestions regarding the adaptation of this innovative technology to the conditions in Vietnam Notable participants included the Vietnam Biogas Association, SNV BioLive team, enterprising biogas entrepreneurs, and dedicated pig farmers, collectively igniting a promising dialogue.

S-IRCLE Project tree is planted


A planting tree event was held on the campus of Hanoi University of Science and Technology, joined by representatives from S-IRCLE project partners. A pomelo tree has been selected as the perennial fruit plant and local species in Vietnam. This tree will grow together with the project and also make a contribution to combating climate change by absorbing CO2 from the air.

Visiting the biogas plants in Nam Dinh Province


Marcel Spahr - an engineer from Herbst Umwelttechnik GmbH has arrived in Vietnam and is accompanied by Mr. Thuan - a technician from Egreen Technology JSC. to visit the 3 small-scale biogas plants in Nam Dinh province. The primary objective of their mission is the installation of innovative biogas filters, poised to usher in a new era of efficiency and eco-consciousness. This joint effort will see the filters undergo a rigorous year-long testing phase, marking a significant stride towards a greener and more sustainable future in biogas production. Stay tuned for the promising results of this collaboration.

Invitation and registration for S-IRCLE workshop


S-IRLCE project will organize a workshop called "Circular Biogas Technology - Smart Filter Systems for H2S-Removal and S-Recovery" at Sunway Hotel, Hanoi on the 4th August 2023. With the participation of the experts and biogas companies from Vietnam and Germany, the purpose of the workshop are to introduce S-IRCLE proejct and the novel biogas filter which was developed for the small-scale biogas plants and to facilitate a comprehensive discussion on the advantages and disadvantages of this innovative technology, as well as explore its potential applications and methods for widespread adoption throughout Vietnamm. The invitation with program and the registration form for the workshop, please check the links below.

Invitation and progam: click here

Registration form: click here

First plant test is conducted at the open greenhouse at IGZ


The pot test is performed to examine the relationship between the grain size of FerroSorp, the absorbent material used in the biogas filter for capturing H2S from biogas, and the release of sulfur in the soil. The study aims to evaluate the impact of this sulfur release on the growth of Pak Choi. The test takes place in an open greenhouse at the IGZ (Leibniz-Institut für Gemüse- und Zierpflanzenbau e.V.) in Großbeeren. The Pak Choi plants will be allowed to grow for a period of 9-10 weeks before they are harvested.

Prof. Nguyen Anh Tuyet has visited TU Berlin


Prof. Nguyen Anh Tuyet, representing Hanoi University of Science and Technology has come to Berlin and visited Technische Universitaet Berlin as part of the S-IRCLE project. During the meeting, she had a meeting with Prof. Vera Susanne Rotter from TU Berlin. The primary focus of their discussion revolved around exchanging ideas and planning the project activities in detail. The meeting proved to be instrumental in fostering a strong partnership and setting the stage for a productive and long-term collaboration between the two professors and their respective institutions.

S-IRCLE Project Kickoff Meeting


The kickoff meeting of S-IRCLE project was organized by the Chair of Circular Economy and Recycling Technology, TU Berlin with the participation of the project partners including: Herbst Umwelttechnik GmbH, INEST and Egreen. In this meeting, the working packages, activites and the time plan of S-IRCLE project was planned and discussed.

March 2023 – February 2025